Monday, June 22, 2009


This is one example of many I saw last week when you girls served our children in VBS.

Julianne I am so proud of you and you were the highlight of every morning celebration. I know it was many times not fun and frustrating to always have to change clothes and pull yourself on that scooter, but you did it and without complaining. Way to be apart of the BIG picture!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Belize Mission Trip

Hey girls,

Hillary and Caroline are in Belize this week. You can hear about their trip here, they haven't posted anything... but wanted you to have the link. You can post a message as well the password is Sunshine.

Don't forget to do something special today for your Daddy!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Hey girls,
Here is our challenge this week and for our summer :)

Lets write a prayer every morning asking God for a opportunity to serve that day, and write a prayer every evening thanking Him for the opportunity to serve or confessing an unwillingness to serve. I will publish mine on this blog and you can comment below as well. Maybe we can use this to encourage one another in our daily pursuit of Christ.

Also please post pictures and post things when we see someone else caught in the act of serving others. I encourage you to post photos and descriptions of how you witnessed a true servant’s heart in the other friends and adults from church or in your lives.

I would love also for those of you who either served on a mission trip, VBS, or camp to write pictures of stories of your ministry experiences there!

I love you girls, LETS use this space to encourge one another to think outside our own lives!